
My top 3 FAVE! Music videos of all time.

According to Paul Simon, "Music is forever; music should grow and mature with you, following you right on up until you die". Once we listen to our favorite music, we forget the world around us. It's like creating a world around you. And as the years pass by, a new platform is used to express music and for it to be heard globally, well aside from purchasing music online and buying your favorite artists' album.
It is music in the television. It is exciting and thrilling to see your favorite music in television with a drama, a story , and some artistic representation in a form of music video. I for one has a list of my favorite music videos.

So first on my list is a song coming from Coldplay entitled "The Scientist". I love how the entire video was narrated in reverse way. Plus it is also included in their album A Rush of Blood to the Head Tour which is my favorite Coldplay's album. In 2003, "The Scientist" won multiple MTV Video Music Awards for Best Group Video, Best Direction, and Breakthrough Video.

Second is from a song coming from The Shins. Although the video is about family, the song is actually about a past love. So basically there is no relation with the songs lyrics to it's music video. I love how the music video conveys a very basic lesson on moving forward.

Lastly, my all time favorite music video is Thriller, of course from Michael Jackson. A 13:43 length of music video which gave us total entertainment. I just love this video. It was also voted as the most influential pop music video of all time. And besides, I am a fan of ZOMBIES. So this is realy a fun video to watched for.

So there you have it, you have my list of my all time top 3 music videos. I know you guys out there has their own list. So post what's yours and let's cheers on that. :)

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